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Dental Implant

dental implant in Turkey

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed in the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. It is a permanent solution to restore the appearance and function of teeth.

Implants or dental implants are titanium screw or root-shaped structures that are placed in the jawbone and designed to allow the bone to heal around the implant and accept it as a part of the body.

Titanium is preferred in this dental treatment because it is a material that can withstand stress and does not interact with body tissues.

Implants are placed in the spaces between the lost teeth or in the tooth socket of the extracted tooth if there is no serious infection or gap.

Implantation is the best and most modern treatment method known in the treatment of dental cavities.

The general preference of doctors is to replace every lost tooth with an implant. In some cases, two implants can be placed spaced apart and a bridge prosthesis can be made over them. The number and method of the implant is determined after the doctor's clinical and radiological examination.

Since implantation is a surgical procedure, the quality of the materials used and the sterilization and hygiene conditions of the environment are the most important criteria. One week is sufficient for implant treatment.

After the implant has healed, your dentist will take an impression of your mouth and make an artificial crown to place over the implant. The crown is custom made to provide a perfect fit and an aesthetically pleasing look.

The crown is then placed on the implant and fixed with special dental cement. The crown is designed to look like a natural tooth and blend seamlessly into your smile.

Implant treatments can be used in all kinds of tooth loss. Even patients who have no teeth in their mouths can replace their lost teeth with aesthetic implants and thus regain their chewing skills.

Dental implant brands available in our dental clinic in Istanbul:

Straumann implants (made in Switzerland)
Implant Swiss (Made in Switzerland)

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